
  • Aesthetic / Ornamental tree pruning

    Pruning ornamental and focal point, mid ground and background trees with design intent. This is most often a 3-5 year pan to create the vision/goal. Trees need time to heal from pruning; this is why it is better to achieve methodically over a longer period of time.

  • Hedges/ Privacy Screens

    Creative approaches to; screening out what you don’t want to see, or to create inner garden sanctuaries in a diverse manner one might find at a forests edge. Hedge care sometimes requires renovation to maintain structural scale, and vegatative /aerobic health.

  • Native Habitat Restoration

    New tree/shrub plantings of different styled eco-tones; matched, blended, contrasted or otherwise integrated into same garden.

  • Containerized Trees & Shrubs

    Container trees/ shrubs are a great option for limiting the size, and volume of maintenance. great for urban spaces.

  • Root Pruning

    If a tree must be transplanted, or roots must be cut; taking preparatory steps for the vital root systems are necessary to increase chances of success and limit damage. I cannot stress enough how important it is to do this sooner than last minute.

  • Fruit Trees

    Fertilization, harvest, and pruning maintenance to create beauty, health, and functionality. These are typically the factors at play when I’m working with garden fruit trees. Be discerning of generalized “pruning/care“ methods as their context may be entirely different then the circumstances of your tree and location.

  • Proffessional Guidance + Tutorial

    Lets walk through your property to inventory your trees and garden. It maybe that some slight alterations could improve health, vibrance, and beauty in the yard. I can also give you a tutorial on home tree care / pruning, tools+equip., and safety.

  • Forest To Furnished

    If you’re interested in custom outdoor rustic; benches, blocks, bridges, decorative tree crutches, manzanita/madrone coat racks - I have many resources. Also Live edge slabs (native and urban) available upon request. 1+ year out for kiln dried slabs (for indoor furniture). 6 months out for outdoor slabs.