Eric Wagner

Aesthetic Pruner

I’m a second generation tree care specialist. My roots in the Arboriculture field started when I was a child riding around with my father, a certified arborist, to tree jobs. I continue to learn so much from him: plant health, biology, climbing, safe work practices, and an enthusiasm towards the wonder of trees. On weekends and summer seasons I would work on my grandparents forested property. This time observing nature taught me about ecological health and native habitat restoration. It was an invaluable education that did not come from instruction or books. My studies of Western Arboriculture has given me a sound understanding of tree health. My appreciation for beauty and artistry lead me into Aesthetic Pruning. The origins of this growing art stem from Japanese Niwaki tradition, a keen eye for the templates of nature and commitment to curious creativity. I am passionate about using my skills to enhance the natural beauty of the trees within my client’s landscapes to create spaces that feel more alive. It is a pleasure to know that the value of my work continues to grow and define in character after I leave.